Planning to Visit Hajo? Find the various ways to travel to Hajo by Road, Cars, Trains, Indian Railways, Flights, Airlines and Airports in Hajo.
Hajo is located at the banks of river Brahmputra in the Kamrup district of Assam, India. It is at a distance of 24 km fromt the city of Guwahati and can be reached by via Guwahati.
The nearest airport is situated in Guwahati, which is the chief commercial center of the state. Flights from this airport (Gopinath Bordoloi Airport) connect Hajo to vital destinations within and outside the state, like New Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Jorhat, Dibrugarh, Tezpur, North Lakhimpur and Silchar. Besides this, the airport also serves as a base for the Indian Air Force.
The closest railhead from the township of Hajo is also situated at Guwahati. There are regular expresses connecting this place to major citites, like New Delhi, Kolkata, Bangaluru, and Mumbai and also to places within the state, like Dibrugarh, Tinsukia etc. From this railway station, situated in the Paltan Bazaar locality of Guwahati, one can easily avail a bus or hire a taxi to get down at Hajo.
The town of Hajo has a good network of roadways, to various parts of Assam. Road links to this region is mainly through the Guwahati-Nalbari Road and Guwahati-Barpeta Road. The town is approximately 25 km from the Adabari Bus Stand in Guwahati. Apart from this, city buses are also available from the Kachari City Bus Stand, near the Judge Field area of Guwahati.
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Note: All the Hajo map images/ Videos of Hajo belong to their respective owners. We have used Hajo images & videos for information purpose only. If you are the owner & want to remove that image/video then do write us at mentioned email. Information on Flights, Rails, Road distance to Hajo may be differ from actual so we request you to check Indian Railways, Airlines and other related Hajo tourism department Govt website of for latest updates.