Weather Forecast

Looking for the weather, climate conditions and forecast for Palakkad, India? View current (latest) Palakkad weather conditions; see a 7 or 14-day rainfall forecast, get local travel conditions and review Palakkad, India satellite and radar maps, temperature and rainfall statistics for Palakkad.

Weather Forecast for Next 7 Days - When to Visit


Best Seasons to Travel in Palakkad

Best Time to Visit Palakkad: December to February

Palakkad Weather Updates

The city experiences pleasant climatic conditions. Summer season might be hot and uncomfortable. Apart from this time, temperatures are much cooler. Monsoon season brings extensive rainfall to the place. Winters are the best time to visit the place and temperatures are mild and cool.

Summers in the city experiences hot conditions during March to May with April to be the hottest part of the year with average temperatures range from a minimum of 32°C and a maximum of 38°C.

The South West Monsoon brings rainfall to this region during the months from June to September with much lower temperature and heavy rainfall that continues for most part of the day. The months of October and November receives sparse rainfall from the North East Monsoon.

Winters in the city during December to February with maximum temperature range around 30°C. December is the coolest part of the year in which the temperatures range in the high twenties.

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