Planning to Visit Bodhgaya? Find the various ways to travel to Bodhgaya by Road, Cars, Trains, Indian Railways, Flights, Airlines and Airports in Bodhgaya.
Bodhgaya is located in Gaya district of Bihar, India. It is connected to the major cities of Bihar such as Patna through airways, railways and roadways.
Gaya is the nearest airport from Bodh Gaya. It is located at a distance of 17 kilometers. Various domestic airlines operate from Gaya to other metro cities of India. You can also land at Patna and board taxis and buses to reach Bodh Gaya which is around 135 kilometers from Patna.
A good railway network connects Bodh Gaya with other major cities of India. A whole range of trains is available to reach Bodh Gaya. Gaya is the nearest railhead to Bodh Gaya at the distance of 17 kilometers. Besides ordinary trains, Indian Railway has introduced a Bodh Gaya special ‘Buddha Parikrama Express’ specifically meant to cater Buddhist spiritual tourists. The train links all the important places relevant to Buddhists.
Besides a good network or railway tracks, Bodh Gaya is well connected by roads to various cities of India. The main bus stand is near Sujata Bridge on the bank of Falgu River on the northeastern edge of the town. Gaya is the nearest transport hub which is connected with Grand Trunk Road and from where you can catch direct busses to reach Patna, Nalanda, Rajgir and Varanasi. Bihar State Tourism Development Corporation also runs buses from Patna- Bodhgaya route twice a day.
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Note: All the Bodhgaya map images/ Videos of Bodhgaya belong to their respective owners. We have used Bodhgaya images & videos for information purpose only. If you are the owner & want to remove that image/video then do write us at mentioned email. Information on Flights, Rails, Road distance to Bodhgaya may be differ from actual so we request you to check Indian Railways, Airlines and other related Bodhgaya tourism department Govt website of for latest updates.