Looking for the weather, climate conditions and forecast for Chhattisgarh, India? View current (latest) Chhattisgarh weather conditions; see a 7 or 14-day rainfall forecast, get local travel conditions and review Chhattisgarh, India satellite and radar maps, temperature and rainfall statistics for Chhattisgarh.
Best Time to Visit Chhattisgarh: October to February
Chhattisgarh has tropical type of climate – humid and sub-humid. The Summer months are April and June that tend to be very hot with temperatures between 24°- 41°C where May is the warmest of the summer months. The Winter temperatures range is between cool to cold with warm, sunny days and cold nights and those months are January and February with the coldest time of the year with temperatures falling to 10°C.
The monsoon season falls between June and September when average rainfall is upward of 60 inches. There the rains serve a critical role, as the region’s agricultural production is completely dependent on these seasonal rains.
The temperature varies between 30 and 47 °C (86 and 117 °F) in summer and between 5 and 25 °C (41 and 77 °F) during winter. However, extremes in temperature can be ob severed with scales falling to less than 0°C to 49°C.
The best time for a visit Chhattisgarh is during the winter season between the months of October to February/March when the day temperatures are in the range of a pleasant 10-30 degree C range.
If you have any suggestions, feedback regarding Chhattisgarh weather, climate and best time to visit Chhattisgarh or You want to add or remove any particular information about Chhattisgarh weather then please email us at: support(at)traveldealsfinder(dot)com (Do mention the URL of page for which you are making any suggestions).